Value & Professional Certification Ltd

Our Aim

  • To provide value added certification services to customers. This will enhance the quality of customers’ management systems
  • To be professional in the process of delivering certification services.
  • To satisfy customers in having a recognized management system certification.

Certification Policy

Value & Professional Certification Ltd. aim to become preferred accredited certification body that provide professional and value-added service to our customers. By providing good service, we can help to continuously improve management system certification in all industry and instill awareness and good implementation of management system on all industry player/customer. We also understand the importance of impartiality in carrying out our management system certification activities, manage conflict of interest and ensure the objectivity of our management system certification activities.

We wish to achieve our aims as recognized accredited certification body by:

  • Offering fair impartial certification service in accordance with ISO 17021
  • Providing value-added and professional service to satisfy customer expectations,
  • Ensuring customer’s confidentiality being protected from disclosure
  • Practicing sound certification principles through competent staff
  • Caring for and valuing our staff,
  • Brief and train our staff to deliver audits that satisfy our customers, supervisory body and the standard we set,
  • Providing, maintaining and make public on certification information to all customers and those who abide to our services
  • Continuously improving the certification service provided
  • Identify, analyse, evaluate, treat, monitor, and document the risks related to conflict of interests arising from provision of certification including any conflicts arising from its relationships on an ongoing basis
  • Complying to applicable regulatory and statutory requirement
  • Communicating this policy to our staff, customers and interested parties